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By Christopher Manos. For the professional or amateur magician. Routines
include: The Thought Transmitter (An accidental USAF experiment that became a
hit at the Denver Playboy Club and continues through today!), Three Card Match
(The trick that fooled Dai Vernon), Numbo-Jumbo (A stack of 85 cards containing
random 2 and 4 digit numbers is apparently memorized), The Binary Box (Light the
light - even rocket scientists could not figure it out!), Kryptonite! (Anyone
can be a superhero and save the day!), Laundry Quandary (Where did the missing
sock go?), Comedy Birthday Cake Production Routine (The funniest and most
memorable part of any kids birthday party.), Dazzling Divination! (A pocket
mentalism effect that is always ready to go. If you do safety magic, here's a
strong effect that packs real small.) and Sweet Sixteen (A great commercial
effect that really gets your customer's message across.) Included in his latest
book is a bonus chapter entitled, Putting a Little Magic in your Life and
Business. A book in itself! Not just for magicians, but for anyone who wants to
add a little magic to their life, and stand out amongst the crowd. Learn ways to
get known and not forgotten! By setting up your magical reputation, your
business card won't be stuck in the middle of a pile - YOU can control it to the
126 pages, 8.5 x 5.5 perfect bound paperback format. $20.00,
ISBN 978-1940280004
notes of Christopher Manos. Learn
Chris’s Endless Chain Routine (Chris sells the perfect chain for the Endless
Chain Routine), Sleightly Easy Miser’s Dream Routine (Anyone can do the
Miser’s Dream Routine without coin sleights), Wipe Out (An incredible
prediction that started with an Etch-a-Sketch), Vegas 21 (Oh, so simple and so
devious), Naughty Duck (This duck has been naughty since working the Denver
Playboy Club in 1975.), The Choice is Mine: Dice 1, 2, 3 (A very cool pocket
prediction effect) Rub-a-Dub-Dub (If you can memorize this poem, you can do the
cups and balls), Thumb Twister Illusion (Fire up your audience in less than two
minutes!), Block Off Cord Escape (Remember the 1939 World’s Fair in New York?
I don’t!), A Swinging Prediction (An October holiday favorite), Crooked
Dice (Strong funny magic about con games), Foreign Money Exchange (Did you ever
travel to another country and feel a bit out of place?), Illusion Card Box
(Knock their socks off with this one AND maybe their shorts too!), Fred and
Other Folks (Fred has kept Chris in business for 35 years), Magic Means Money!
(A very simple to do negotiating ploy with your audience for your next
six-figure contract. Spectator names
several six figure amounts, you predict the outcome after they give you the
first number.) Comedy Mini Wallet
Gags, and more!
Chris shares stories about
By Christopher Manos.
Putting a Little Magic In Your Life and Business!
Situation: You've got a great
product or service. But potential clients and customers aren't hearing your
important message. You're an interesting person. But for some reason, you go
unnoticed. You're worried about your upcoming presentation when you should be
focused on the people around you. You'd like to mingle with the group but sense
that you're not part of the in-crowd. Solution: Now you can stand out from the
crowd in a totally unique way simply by adding a little magic to your life and
business! Use magic, puzzles, business card deceptions and more to engage
clients, make new friends, spark conversation and get your message across.
Master magician Christopher Manos introduces you to dozens of proven,
time-tested and truly effective secrets that will work for you in any situation
-- whether it's personal or business. Use this important guide to showcase your
talents using unique magical methods. Your spectators will be amazed at your
abilities and you'll be pleased at how seamlessly you've become a significant
part of the group. 68 pages, 8.5 x 5.5
perfect bound paperback format. $15.00, ISBN 978-1940280011
TO CARNIVAL GAME INSPECTIONS. By Lindsay Smith and Bruce Walstad
This book will take you behind the counter into the fascinating (and often
crooked) world of carnival games. You'll enjoy the police and carnival
inspector's take on the games. 38 pages. $10.00
STING SHIFT: THE STREET-SMART COP'S HANDBOOK OF CONS AND SWINDLES. By Lindsay Smith and Bruce Walstad. From classic confidence games to the latest scams, you'll find page after page of these hustlers in STING SHIFT. This is an amazing, informative book that exposes the inner secrets of today's confidence artists. This book is currently in high demand and out of print. We have obtained a small supply and are selling them at below market price. 128 pages. Contact us for availability and pricing.
CHANGE RAISERS, THE. By W.M. Tucker. The most complete and detailed explanations and instructions on how change-raising techniques are performed that has ever been written. 32 pages. $10.00
SCHEMES & SCAMS. By Douglas P. Shadel and John T. Long out of print, we have a few copies left of this practical guide for outwitting today's con artists. One of the nation's most notorious con artists and a veteran fraud investigator team up to provide a rare inside look at consumer fraud in America. 239 pages. $10.00
POLICE MAGIC: USING THE MEDIUM OF MAGIC IN CRIME/DRUG PREVENTION PRESENTATIONS FOR YOUTH/ADULTS. By Glenn Hester. This booklet contains guidelines to formulate programs, lectures, shows and seminars using magic as a medium. 35 routines on issues pertaining to, con games, drug/alcohol abuse, good citizenship, safety, home security, self-esteem, and more are included. 56 pages. $10.00
PUPPET AND VENT DIALOGUES FOR DRUG AND ALCOHOL PREVENTION PRESENTATIONS. By Christopher Manos. This booklet contains seven routines that can be used with puppets, ventriloquist figures or robots. The dialogues are based on current curricula teachings and include the topics: Medicine is not Candy, Saying Nope to Dope, Saying No and Being Cool, Decision Making, Fun things to do, Chew is Not for You, and more. 38 pages. $10.00, ISBN 978-1940280059
USING MAGIC IN CHILD SAFETY PRESENTATIONS. By Christopher Manos. A collection of eight award-winning safety routines assembled over a period of ten years. Each routine is completely audience tested for children ranging in age from preschool through fifth grade. Topics include; protecting valuables, police officers are friends, pedestrian safety, stranger danger, dangerous items around the home, water safety, and more. A chapter is also included on tips for the performer of children's shows. 45 pages. $10.00, ISBN 978-1940280042
author David Ginn produced this book which highlights Karl Wagner’s many years
of performing over 10,000 child safety shows. This is the first “textbook”
that provides insight and guidance for a magician who plans to enter this unique
field of magic. Not only does Karl
offer you dozens of kidshow routines that are both FUN and FUNNY, but he teaches
you how to inject safety messages (or ANY messages) into many standard tricks
and routines. You'll enjoy reading Karl's patter and stories, plus his
philosophy of getting the safety message across to children using magic as the
hook as well as his real life examples. In these pages you'll find enough
material to create several complete shows; but if you use only one or two
routines, you'll be a winner with parents and teachers.
TRANSMITTER By Christopher Manos.
In a three-part comedy effect, the magician reads the mind of the spectator.
Following that the spectator then reads the mind of the magician.
At the conclusion, the spectator uses a Thought Transmitter to send her
thoughts to a member of the audience. The audience member correctly reveals the
transmitted thought.
This originally debuted at the Denver Playboy Club in the 1970s and has been a hit and breadwinner ever since. Why invest in a well-made new prop, when you can have a superbly-made genuine antique in your show. This adds validity to your performance.
This beautifully crafted ANTIQUE, yes - the wooden box and original parts date from 1880 - 1910. Decorative electronic parts are dated between 1940 and 1960. Includes the deluxe probe and Chris's book, Magical Things I Really Do Do Too! As each box is unique and numbered, please contact Chris for the current selection. $1,000.00
By Christopher Manos.
A box is shown with five toggle switches and a single light. The magician
explains that this is a binary box then gives a little lesson about computer
programming. The spectator is tasked with programming the box, using the
switches to light the lamp. The magician can do this with a few flips of the
switches, the spectator cannot. Included is the box and the special something
that makes it work only for you.
By Christopher Manos.
You are in possession of a small sample of Kryptonite; harmless to humans, but
lethal to Superman. Our superhero is
nearby and is weakened by the powerful Kryptonite.
Your spectator saves Superman by neutralizing the Kryptonite thus making
our world a safer place to live!
Included are two "Kryptonite" gems, a special light and the sample container.
You'll need to buy your own super action figure.
a wonderful newly crafted ‘old’ mind reading effect that has been
unavailable for many years. The method is easy and fun to do and the effect is
quite startling and mysterious. No memorization is required! Display the 5
colored rods. A spectator chooses one to insert into the tube and hides the
rest, and you guess exactly which color they selected!
colored brass discs are displayed. The spectator is asked to flip the discs over
and mix them up, hiding the different colors. The spectator selects a disc and
is asked to place all discs in the container. The container is sealed and a
string is run through the center. Magically, the performer is able to make the
selected disc escape from the string of discs and drop out of the chamber!
more than 18 feet of “Ultra Strong” invisible thread. Quick access alligator
clip for instant setup. The Thread Genii measures only 2.5 inches long. Span 50
or more inches before full tension starts. Tension is capable of being adjusted.
magical boomerangs make for an easy, self-working trick. At the same time, it is
impressive when performed by anyone from the professional or those new to magic.
Baffle the audience as the identical size boomerangs shrink and grow. Since
there is no setup, Baffling Boomerangs can be performed over and over again
until the audience just can't stand it any longer. This optical illusion has
been off the market for years, and now improved with a removable gaff which
allows you to pass them out with one boomerang shorter than the other!
includes 1 red boomerang and 1 blue boomerang. Each near 12 inches in length and
made of the finest wood. $15.00
Magic Hot Rod is one of the most effective props in magic you can own! This is
the most beautiful metal hot rod that I have ever seen.
Included is a DVD with Eddy Ray's teaching that will take you step by
step into the world of the Magic Hot Rod. Add
over 30 Tricks & Tips to your arsenal! $16.00
Silver Gem Hot Rod with DVD
Gold Gem Hot Rod with DVD
Ultimate Card Illusion of making a signed card magically appear inside the box.
Have a card freely selected and signed.
After losing it in the deck the magician cannot find it after several
tries. Another spectator holding the
previously examined box opens the cover to find the missing card there.
Impossible? Nope, not with
this little gem. This finely crafted
wood box measures 2.38x1.94x1.50 inches. $30.00
a magical weapon of last resort. Why? Because it NEVER fails!
With the included instructional DVD you will learn amazing ways to use
your Invisible Deck. Learn the basics and 6 routine performances and teachings.
A bonus section includes 3 more performances and teachings for a total of 9
great ways to use this deck, plus more tips and hints along the way! $15.00
the perfect accessory for anyone interested in coin magic and those who perform
the Miser’s Dream. When in place under the magician's coat, the coin dumper
delivers a stack of coins (half dollar size) secretly, swiftly and silently into
the magician's hand. Well made from
metal, this prop will last a lifetime. $15.00
from real leather! This is a beautiful version of the tried and true Himber
Wallet. The wallet is large enough to allow dollars to be switched without
folding them. Perform switches,
vanishes, appearances, and a host of other stunners with this fabulous piece of
inconspicuous apparatus. This version is competitively priced, and was made to
last. $30.00
explained in Magical Things I Really Do
Do, these props are hard to find and offered here for sale.
These are used with the Himber Wallet.
You will receive two genuine, mint condition Chinese bills and a genuine
China bank card. $20.00
a rod with six different colored dots on both sides. The spectator names a
number between 1 and 6. Count to that color (blue for example). Give a quick
shake and all the dots turn blue. Want to try again? Shake the dots back to
their multicolored beginning. Choose another number, counting once again.
Another shake and all the dots change red! This hot rod may be handed out for
examination. A great trick that even fools magicians! $25.00
small can with a cork, and a few different peas are displayed. A selected pea is
placed in the can. Performer attempts to make the pea change color. The cork is
removed, and the contents of the can tipped into the spectator’s hand – a
little clear liquid. “There’s the PEE!”
Yes, it's a bit risqué, but not offensive. The clever apparatus can also
be used for many other applications, described in the instructions. Supplied
complete with peas, metal can, cork and instructions. Boxed with color label.
Can material varies by availability. $15.00
black strip is inserted into a case and secured with a fastener. The black strip
is unquestionably locked in place. The magician calls attention to the fact that
the strip can not be removed without removing the fastener. Even so, at the
performers command, the black strip visibly penetrates the red case. It seems to
magically melt through the fastener. No sleight of hand required! The spectator
can examine all the props before and after the trick. $5.00
blank card is shown inside a small, clear plastic "Business Card
Printer." At the snap of the magician's fingers, the blank card visibly
prints! It can then be handed out as a memorable souvenir.
made from a real half dollar. A great accessory for the Miser’s Dream Routine.
made from a real half dollar. A great accessory for the Miser’s Dream Routine.
to get laughs when you show this miniature wallet that was accidentally left in
your pants and dry cleaned. You show
a mini license, mini photos, mini coins, mini credit cards (Not included, but
instructions on how to make them are included.)
six mini
six mini
Christopher Manos
– A
perfect way to give away your business card.
After you write the numbers 1, 2, and 3 on your business card, one of three colorful dice is merely thought of by the spectator.
The positions are exchanged several times while the magician looks away.
The magician correctly predicts the mentally thought of die.
You give your business card as a keepsake reminder of how great a magician you
are! Included are three beautiful translucent color dice and a velvet draw
string bag to carry them in. Dice
color will vary. $12.00
By Christopher Manos – A
magic square not found in books! Themed
around a Blackjack game, a new deck of cards is handed out to spectators to
shuffle. They are returned and the
magician deals out the top 16 cards and gives them to a member of the audience.
The sixteen cards are correctly named by the magician who writes them on
a sketch pad. The card values, no
matter which direction they are added, all equal 21.
This comes with a genuine gaffed Sharpie marker and a card gaff.
This is extremely easy to do with no sleights involved.
You must provide your own cards and sketch pad.
By Christopher Manos.
– A
fun routine centering on the game of craps or any game using dice for that
matter. Magician explains to the
audience that when playing games involving dice it is important to inspect them
to make sure that they are legitimate. There’s lots of funny business here and
the opportunity to demonstrate the gaffed dice and pass them out to the
audience. After passing the dice out
you test your audience asking if they can tell if the next dice you show are
cooked. Bringing them up to view is
a set of large crooked looking dice. Once the laughter settles down, you
complete one final routine further confusing your audience.
(Unpainted) By Christopher Manos. Effect: A block with a hole drilled
through it and a piece of rope is handed out for inspection. The magician
threads the rope through the block twice, and upon command, the rope penetrates
the block. The routine for this trick can be found in "Using Magic in Drug
and Alcohol Prevention Presentations" and "Magical Things I Do
Do!" Includes the block, cord and instructions. Sanded and ready for
you to paint it your favorite color.$12.00
These are very well made and of the correct weight and size. I also have a few lightly used leather ones I got in Barcelona a few years ago. $75.00
Three Disk Monte Plastic (New)
Three Disk Monte Leather (Slightly Used - Collectible)
GREAT CHAIN CON. By Christopher Manos.
This is the Worlds Best
Endless Chain! I had these chains made
several years ago, and magicians tell me that they are the best they have ever
seen and worked with. It is a sell-out at my lectures.
Let me explain sell-out. Some magicians advertise that they sold out an item at a lecture or convention when in fact they only had one to sell. Well, I brought 30 of these to my local magic club one year, sold out, and had to mail out 2 of them. I did a lecture for 40 people in December and brought 25 chains with me, sold out and had to mail 5 of them. My local club is the Mile High Magicians Society in Denver, CO (IBM Ring #131). If you know a member feel free to ask them.
Now about the chain - it is truly an endless chain - there is NO CLIP to attach the ends - it is made in one continuous loop. (First reason why I claim this to be the best endless chain on the market.) It is made of ball chain BUT not regular ball chain - it is SQUARE BALL CHAIN that will not roll when thrown on a slick surface. Each "Ball" has 4 equally spaced flat spots on it. Hard to see on the photo, but this is the second reason that I say this is the best endless chain on the market. It is of the perfect size about 25 inches end-to-end, which is actually about 50 full inches of chain. It is varnished to maintain the shine! You have a choice of either the shiny nickel or shiny brass color. (The brass color will eventually get dull, but will shine when dipped in a liquid brass cleaner)
Included is my endless chain routine that always wins a rouse of applause and lots of laughter. The routine has a hint of Abbott & Costello in it.
Effect: A length of chain is displayed to a spectator. The magician tells a story of how crooked carnival operators used the chain in a game to steal from their patrons. The magician makes a figure-eight pattern with the chain, giving the spectator a choice of two circles to put his finger into. The object of winning the game is to choose the correct opening that will retain the chain on the spectator's finger. The magician explains, there is a 50/50 chance of winning and an equal chance of losing. A series of pretend bets are placed with the spectator, and the spectator always loses. Complete tested routine included. Standard Silver Colored Chain or Deluxe Golden Chain $12.00.
Silver Colored Chain
DAZZLING DIVINATION. By Christopher Manos (Not pictured). Effect: Three safety pins are shown with a different colored sparkling bead attached. The spectator selects one of the three safety pins and hands it to the magician behind his back. The correct bead color is divined by the magician. Two extra beads are included for a child safety presentation. $5.00.
THERE'S NO TRICK TO STOPPING CRIME! By Christopher Manos. Effect: Four cards with 16 different crime prevention related drawings are shown to the audience. The magician explains the importance of the meaning depicted by some of the crime prevention drawings. An audience member is selected and asked to think of only one of the drawings. The magician is able to correctly name the drawing chosen, and then proceeds to explain the importance of that drawing in relation to crime prevention practices. Excellent effect as an opener to a neighborhood watch meeting. Four laminated cards and instructions. $12.00
Here is the update - I
improved the pail! I had the lip extended a bit more, about 3mm for better
gripping. I also had the bottom changed for better clinking. It is loud!
My wife calls this annoying, the audience goes wild - especially the kids.
It is very loud and magical. Here is the story...
During a trip to the Orient, I visited a small magic shop that had these fantastic coin pails for sale. I packed my bags with his entire stock and returned home to test them out.
The coin pail routine is one of my signature effects. I have been doing the coin pail routine for over 25 years using my Abbott's Coin Pail with much success. I performed two shows with this newly acquired pail and felt the difference in the audience reaction immediately! They just loved it, and I now have a renewed sense of confidence and pride in my routine.
The pail FITS IN MY HAND perfectly. I am holding about six half-dollars in the photo. It is BRIGHT & SHINY & POLISHED - not chromed. But, it sure looks like it! - it is made of 18/8 Stainless Steel. DURABLE - one pail rolled out of my luggage and spent some time on the tarmac. (This is the one I actually use in my show! It only suffered a few mild scratches.) You will get a BRAND NEW one. LOUD! - The sound of coins hitting the bottom is beautifully loud and resonant, just the perfect sound for the effect. HEAVY - the pail weighs 23 ounces or 1.4 pounds. It measures about 6.5 inches tall and 5 inches wide. It appears much taller than wide. The top lip is rolled almost all the way to the edge - your fingers will not get hung up or cut by the edge. Anyhow, the metal is so thick it would be almost impossible to cut yourself.
There are no coin holders, gimmicks, or magical attachments - it is just a beautiful, basic coin pail that you will treasure for years to come. I put one in my collector's display showcase with my antique magical props - it is that nice!
Enjoy this pail - if you find it not appealing to your magical senses - for any reason - you can return it for a complete refund within 30 days. (I can't believe that I am doing this - but I really believe that this is the finest straight pail around) Extremely Limited Quantities. We also have them in a red (Fits Christmas Holiday theme) or pink (Breast Cancer month theme) painted exterior. $100.00.
TO ORDER, PLEASE USE OUR PAYPAL CHECKOUT SERVICE. For INTERNATIONAL (Including CANADA) orders, please contact us at the email address below with a list of the items you wish to order. We will advise you of your shipping options.
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